Configuring ASP.Net MVC for the Microsoft Charting Control

There are a couple of gotchas when using either the .NET 3.5 add-on charting control or the one that ships with .NET 4.0 with ASP.Net MVC. These can lead to some head-scratching and consternation at deployment time if you don’t know about them.

MVC Paths Break Chart Images

MVC paths are RESTful which means that a lot of the path in a URL is likely to be arguments to a controller rather than an actual path to a resource. Unfortunately, by default these paths confuse the charting control which assumes that the path in the URL leads to the resource hosting the control. The net result is that invoking RESTful methods on your controller causes your chart images go missing. The solution is to use a little bit of regular expression to create a “ignore” routing rule in Global.asax.cs for ChartImg.axd which is the virtual file that generates the charting control images.

public static void RegisterRoutes( RouteCollection routes )
    //MSFT charting control image genertor
    RouteTable.Routes.IgnoreRoute( "{*chartimg}", new { chartimg = @".*/ChartImg\.axd(/.*)?" } ); 
    //standard default route ignore rule
    RouteTable.Routes.IgnoreRoute( "{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}" );

        "Default", // Route name
        "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
        new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

Charting Control Wants to Write to Your Application Root

Another problem that will show up at deployment time is that the charting control wants to write cached images to the root of your application by default and it wants to do this in the security context of the invoking user. That is, in order for this default to work, anonymous web users need write access to the root of your application. This is a bad, bad, bad idea.

Fortunately this behavior can be configured in the Web.config. You can change the cache directory or use global application memory or session to store the images. Using memory has the advantage that you don’t need to give anybody permission to write into the server file system.

    <add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=memory;timeout=20;privateImages=false" />

The full set of configuration options are described on MSDN.

Simple ASP.Net MVC Globalization with Graceful Fallback

We recently began work on a website project using ASP.Net MVC 3.0 where one of the requirements was that the site will be globalized into different languages. However, one of the design considerations is that the content is going to be originally produced in English and then translated and published as available into the other supported languages. What the site needs to do is gracefully degrade to English when the desired globalized content is not available.

Other issues are that some languages are wordier or  more compact than English which can affect the graphic design. For example “Structured Investment Vehicles” (30 characters) translates in French to “Véhicules d’Investissement Structurés” (37 characters). The French version requires 23% characters which is—roughly speaking (because of proportional fonts)—about 20% more space than the English version. It’s pretty typical for French phrases to contain 20-30% more characters than the English equivalent which means that resource file strings and just swapping out text can ruin the visual design layout. What is needed is re-layout of parts of views to accommodate the space consumed by different languages.

The idea is that we have English as an invariant which has every view the site uses in the normal place. We then have a /Views/Globalization directory which contains a subdirectory with the ISO 639-1 two-letter macro-language code ( ar = Arabic, fr = French, es = Spanish, etc.) which contain whatever translated content is available. If the browser requests a particular non-English language translation, we want to views to come from the appropriate Globalization directory  but if the content doesn’t exist, we fall back to English.

Our solution is to use views, partial views and master pages as the unit of globalization. In order to do this we created a new IViewEngine which extends whatever view engine we would otherwise be using. Our team is comfortable with WebForms so we extended WebFormViewEngine.

Example View Layout


In the sample above, French is not fully globalized so when French views are served, the Navigation.ascx partial view should be served from /Views/Shared/Navigation.ascx, the Arabic views declare themselves as using the /Views/Globalization/ar/Shared/Site.master rather than /Views/Shared/Site.master and the default English Error.aspx view is always served.

jQuery Script to Switch Languages

/// <reference path="jquery-1.4.4.js" />
/// <reference path="jquery.cookie.js" />

//declare namespace to avoid collisions with extension js in the browser
var mySiteNamespace = {};

mySiteNamespace.switchLanguage = function (lang) {
    $.cookie('language', lang);

$(document).ready(function () {
    // attach mySiteNamespace.switchLanguage to click events based on css classes
    $('.lang-english').click(function () { mySiteNamespace.switchLanguage('en'); });
    $('.lang-french').click(function () { mySiteNamespace.switchLanguage('fr'); });
    $('.lang-arabic').click(function () { mySiteNamespace.switchLanguage('ar'); });
    $('.lang-spanish').click(function () { mySiteNamespace.switchLanguage('es'); });

This little JavaScript attaches a switchLanguage function to elements (such as <a/>) which declare the specified css classes. It sets a language cookie which our custom IViewEngine is looking for.

Extending WebFormViewEngine

The key methods to override when extending WebFormViewEngine are CreatePartialView and CreateView. What we need to do is detect what language the browser is requesting and then choose the correct globalized view if it exists and fall back to the default behavior if it doesn’t. For simplicity, I’m showing code that uses a cookie to determine what language the end user wants but this detection can be as sophisticated as you like.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;

namespace System.Web.Mvc
    public sealed class WebFormGlobalizationViewEngine : WebFormViewEngine
        protected override IView CreatePartialView( ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialPath )
            partialPath = GlobalizeViewPath( controllerContext, partialPath );
            return new WebFormView( controllerContext, partialPath, null, ViewPageActivator );

        protected override IView CreateView( ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath )
            viewPath = GlobalizeViewPath( controllerContext, viewPath );
            return base.CreateView( controllerContext, viewPath, masterPath );

        private static string GlobalizeViewPath( ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath )
            var request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
            var lang = request.Cookies["language"];
            if( lang != null &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang.Value) &&
                !string.Equals( lang.Value, "en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
                string localizedViewPath = Regex.Replace(
                    string.Format( "~/Views/Globalization/{0}/",
                    ) );
                if( File.Exists( request.MapPath( localizedViewPath ) ) )
                { viewPath = localizedViewPath; }
            return viewPath;

Registration in Global.asax.cs

The final step is to register WebFormsGlobalizationViewEngine when the Application.Start event fires.

protected void Application_Start()

    ViewEngines.Engines.Add( new WebFormGlobalizationViewEngine() );

    // rest of application start stuff

Summing Up

There are a lot of ways to globalize content. This solution has the advantage of being straightforward and flexible. The main disadvantage is that we have to maintain translations of all the views and partial views.