Pimping my 2011 MacBook Pro to 16GB RAM Running at 1600MHz

I am a fairly heavy user of memory-hungry VMWare VMs. I was running into a problem with excessive paging slowing down the host OS or even not being able to launch all the VMs I needed to simultaneously due to memory limitations of my pretty damn new 8GB RAM BTO late 2011 15″  Sandy Bridge MacBook Pro system.

The late 2011 Sandy Bridge 15″ MacBook Pro machines come with 1300MHz 9-9-9 non-ECC DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM configurable up to 8GB in a BTO configuration. The 2012 Ivy Bridge models come with RAM operating at 1600MHz and the Retina MacBook Pro has a 16GB BTO option. The chipsets are similar and I was pretty sure that the non-Retina model can support 16GB of RAM and the Sandy Bridge models can run at the 20% faster 1600MHz just like the Ivy Bridge ones.

I had some trouble finding 16GB 9-9-9  latency non-ECC DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM kits on the aftermarket and none were labelled as “for MacBook Pro”. There are a lot of options at 1333MHz from Kingston, OWC, Corsair, Crucial and iFixit but at 1600MHz there are slim pickings. I suspect that the reason that the 2011 MacBook Pro ships with 1300MHz memory is a cost/availability issue.

Corsair has a kit of 16GB with slower 10-10-10 latency. I’m not sure what the implication is of 10-10-10 latency at 1600MHz vs. 9-9-9 at 1300MHz but I know that Apple specs 9-9-9 memory in their systems, so I soldiered on. The only kit that had specs I was looking for was the HyperX PNP 1600MHz 9-9-9 16GB DDR3 non-ECC SO-DIMM kit from Kingston which I got from Amazon.

Memory access schematic from support.apple.com

Installation is pretty easy. You need a high quality static dissipative Phillips #00 screw driver to remove the 10 screws without damaging the heads. Once the back is off the computer, the memory slots are easily accessible in the center of the machine.

As you can see, the Kingston kit worked. OS X Mountain Lion recognizes the 16GB of RAM at 1600MHz and is quite happy. I have a lot of memory head room now. I can run all of my VM workloads simultaneously with iTunes, Pixelmator, OmniGraffle, MonoDevelop, Xcode, etc., etc. all running at once without any hiccups whatsoever. Overall, I’m very happy with this experiment. The Kinston kit screams.


I got a Geekbench score of 11020 with the new RAM installed.

Is F# Math Really Faster than C#?

I ran across an article claiming that F# was about an order of magnitude faster at calculating a basic math algorithm. Can this be true?

Sigmoid in C#

public static float Sigmoid(float value) 
    return 1.0f / (1.0f + (float) Math.Exp(-value));
//csc -o -debug-
.method public static float32 Sigmoid(float32 'value') cil managed
    .maxstack 8
    L_0000: ldc.r8 1
    L_0009: ldc.r8 1
    L_0012: ldarg.0 
    L_0013: neg 
    L_0014: conv.r8 
    L_0015: call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Exp(float64)
    L_001a: add 
    L_001b: div 
    L_001c: conv.r4 
    L_001d: ret 

Sigmoid in F#

let Sigmoid value = 1.0f/(1.0f + exp(-value));
//fsc --debug- --optimize+
.method public static float32 Sigmoid(float32 'value') cil managed
    .maxstack 5
    .locals init (
        [0] float32 num)
    L_0000: ldc.r4 1
    L_0005: ldc.r4 1
    L_000a: ldarg.0 
    L_000b: neg 
    L_000c: stloc.0 
    L_000d: ldloc.0 
    L_000e: conv.r8 
    L_000f: call float64 [mscorlib]System.Math::Exp(float64)
    L_0014: conv.r4 
    L_0015: add 
    L_0016: div 
    L_0017: ret 

The IL generated is nearly the same. The F# version allocates a little less memory using float32 variables on the stack where C# uses float64 and generally manages with a smaller stack, but the basic math operations are the same. Can these differences make an order of magnitude performance difference? Short answer is no.

Benchmarks are Tricky

C# sigmoid algorithm benchmark

// (c) Rinat Abdullin
// http://abdullin.com/journal/2009/1/5/caching-activation-function-is-not-worth-it.html
// sigmoidcs.cs

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

static class App
	const float Scale = 320.0f;
	const int Resolution = 2047;
	const float Min = -Resolution/Scale;
	const float Max = Resolution/Scale;

	static readonly float[] _lut = InitLut();

	static float[] InitLut()
	  var lut =  new float[Resolution + 1];
	  for (int i = 0; i < Resolution + 1; i++)
	    lut[i] = (float) (1.0/(1.0 + Math.Exp(-i/Scale)));
	  return lut;

	static float Sigmoid1(double value)
	  return (float) (1.0/(1.0 + Math.Exp(-value)));

	static float Sigmoid2(float value)
	  if (value <= Min) return 0.0f;
	  if (value >= Max) return 1.0f;
	  var f = value*Scale;
	  if (value >= 0) return _lut[(int) (f + 0.5f)];
	  return 1.0f - _lut[(int) (0.5f - f)];

	static float TestError()
	  var emax = 0.0f;
	  for (var x = -10.0f; x < 10.0f; x += 0.000001f)
	    var v0 = Sigmoid1(x);
	    var v1 = Sigmoid2(x);

	    var e = Math.Abs(v1 - v0);
	    if (e > emax) emax = e;
	  return emax;

	static double TestPerformancePlain()
	  var sw = new Stopwatch();
	  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	    for (float x = -5.0f; x < 5.0f; x += 0.000001f)

	  return sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

	static double TestPerformanceOfLut()
	  var sw = new Stopwatch();
	  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	    for (float x = -5.0f; x < 5.0f; x += 0.000001f)
	  return sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

	static void Main()
	  var emax = TestError();
	  var t0 = TestPerformancePlain();
	  var t1 = TestPerformanceOfLut();

	  Console.WriteLine("Max detected deviation using LUT: {0}", emax);
	  Console.WriteLine("10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took {0} ms", t0);
	  Console.WriteLine("10^7 iterations using Sigmoid2() took {0} ms", t1);

F# sigmoid algorithm benchmark

// (c) Rinat Abdullin
// http://abdullin.com/journal/2009/1/6/f-has-better-performance-than-c-in-math.html
// sigmoidfs.fs


let Scale = 320.0f;
let Resolution = 2047;

let Min = -single(Resolution)/Scale;
let Max = single(Resolution)/Scale;

let range step a b =
  let count = int((b-a)/step);
  seq { for i in 0 .. count -> single(i)*step + a };

let lut = [| 
  for x in 0 .. Resolution ->
    single(1.0/(1.0 +  exp(-double(x)/double(Scale))))

let sigmoid1 value = 1.0f/(1.0f + exp(-value));

let sigmoid2 v = 
  if (v <= Min) then 0.0f;
  elif (v>= Max) then 1.0f;
    let f = v * Scale;
    if (v>0.0f) then lut.[int (f + 0.5f)]
    else 1.0f - lut.[int(0.5f - f)];

let getError f = 
  let test = range 0.00001f -10.0f 10.0f;
  let errors = seq { 
    for v in test -> 
      abs(sigmoid1(single(v)) - f(single(v)))
  Seq.max errors;

open System.Diagnostics;

let test f = 
  let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); 
  let mutable m = 0.0f;
  let result = 
    for t in 1 .. 10 do
      for x in 1 .. 1000000 do
        m <- f(single(x)/100000.0f-5.0f);

printf "Max deviation is %f\n" (getError sigmoid2)
printf "10^7 iterations using sigmoid1: %f ms\n" (test sigmoid1)
printf "10^7 iterations using sigmoid2: %f ms\n" (test sigmoid2)
PS> csc -o -debug- .\sigmoidcs.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2010 Compiler version 4.0.30319.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS> fsc --debug- --optimize+  .\sigmoidfs.fs
Microsoft (R) F# 2.0 Compiler build 4.0.30319.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
PS> .\sigmoidcs.exe
Max detected deviation using LUT: 0.001663984
10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took 2644.5935 ms
10^7 iterations using Sigmoid2() took 510.9379 ms
PS> .\sigmoidfs.exe
Max deviation is 0.001664
10^7 iterations using sigmoid1: 403.974300 ms
10^7 iterations using sigmoid2: 124.520100 ms

Wow. That’s 404ms for F# and 2,656 for C#. That’s a huge difference. Why?

We already established that the IL for the Sigmoid1() algorithm above compiles to very similar IL. What else could be different?


Wait a minute.

let result = 
    for t in 1 .. 10 do
      for x in 1 .. 1000000 do
        m <- f(single(x)/100000.0f-5.0f);

The F# loop is not equivalent to the C# version. In the F# version the counter is an int and the C# version the counter is a float. (Also the F# version is passing a delegate to the test function.)

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	for (float x = -5.0f; x < 5.0f; x += 0.000001f)

Does that int counter thing make a big difference.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

static class App
	static float Sigmoid1(double value)
	  return (float) (1.0/(1.0 + Math.Exp(-value)));

	static double TestPerformancePlain()
		var sw = new Stopwatch();
		float num = 0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			for (int j = 1; j < 1000001; j++)
				num = Sigmoid1((((float) j) / 100000f) - 5f);
		return sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

	static void Main()
	  var t0 = TestPerformancePlain();
	  Console.WriteLine("10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took {0} ms", t0);
PS> csc -o -debug- .\sigmoid-counter.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2010 Compiler version 4.0.30319.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS> ./sigmoid-counter
10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took 431.6634 ms

Yup C# just executed that Sigmoid1() test in 431ms. Recall that F# was 404ms.

The other difference was that the F# code was passing a delegate of FsharpFunc<float,float> rather than making a method call. Lets try the same thing in C# using a Lambda expression to create an anonymous Func<float,float> delegate.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

static class App
	static double Test(Func<float,float> f)
		var sw = new Stopwatch();
		float num = 0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			for (int j = 1; j < 1000001; j++)
		   		num = f((((float) j) / 100000f) - 5f);
		return sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

	static void Main()
	  var t0 = Test( x => { return (float) (1.0/(1.0 + Math.Exp(-x))); } );
	  Console.WriteLine("10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took {0} ms", t0);
PS> ./sigmoid-counter
10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took 431.6634 ms
PS> csc -o -debug- .\sigmoid-lambda.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2010 Compiler version 4.0.30319.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS> .\sigmoid-lambda.exe
10^7 iterations using Sigmoid1() took 275.1087 ms

Now C# is 130ms faster than F#.

For what it’s worth the C version of the Sigmoid1() benchmark executes in 166ms on my machine using CL 16 x64 on my machine.

  • C: 166ms
  • C# (delegate): 275ms
  • C# (method): 431ms
  • C# (method, float counter): 2,656ms
  • F#: 404ms
  • So, what have we learned?

  • Never, ever use a float as a counter in a for loop in C#.
  • Invoking a delegate in the CLR is slightly faster than a normal method invocation.
  • It’s very easy to measure something other than what you intended when benchmarking.
  • In as much as this little test means anything, C# and F# have similar performance. C is still faster.

Achieve Radically Better Firewire 800 Performance on Windows 7/2008/Vista x64

Microsoft is clearly ambivalent about Firewire (IEEE 1394). Windows 7 introduced a new IEEE 1394 stack but the performance remains abysmal compared to a Mac.

I have a Drobo 2nd generation device. My choice is to use slow USB 2 or a fast Firewire 800 interface. Unfortunately, large file copies over Firewire on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 are slower than USB2. Worse, they can lock up the target device so that nothing else can access it until the file copy succeeds. I don’t have an explanation for why native Firewire support remains so lame but fortunately there is a free-of-charge solution to turbo-charge Windows Firewire performance to Mac OS X levels.

If you have a Firewire interface on your Windows 7 computer, do not hack around with legacy drivers and do not turn off the Windows write-cache buffer. Instead, download the latest ubiCore Firewire drivers for your version of Windows and install them. (Requires disconnecting all your Firewire devices and a reboot.)

Enjoy the painless 800 Mbps file copies.

Highly recommended.

The Stack is an Implementation Detail

c-sharpI have a confession. When .NET and C# beta came out in 1999, I was confused by the definition of struct as a “value type” allocated on the stack and class as a “reference type” allocated on the heap. We were told structs are lean and fast while classes are heavy and slow. I distinctly recall searching for every imaginable opportunity to use the struct keyword. I further recall being confused by the statement that everything in C# is passed by value and by the ref and out keywords. I used ref whenever I wanted to modify values in a formal parameter regardless of whether they were structs or classes. What I didn’t realize at the time was that ref and out are really just an explicit use of a pointer. Ref and provide a mechanism to manipulate a value type by pointer instead of manipulating a local copy. For reference types, though, using ref and out is the moral equivalent of using a pointer-to-pointer in C and it is rarely necessary or correct.

Eric Lippert has a could of blog posts about how the stack is an implementation detail and not really the point of value types at all. He flat-out stays that the guidance about stacks and heaps is useless and confusing. The point of value types is that they are always copied by value rather than just having another variable point (refer) to the same memory as with a reference type. They just happen to be placed on the stack because they can.

Along the way he explains why you can’t capture a ref value type in a closure.

Override PageStatePersister to Eliminate ViewState

I was working on some legacy ASP.Net code recently. We were profiling performance and the key problem was wire performance because of ViewState. Our first idea was to eliminate use of ViewState but there were a lot of implicit dependencies inside of some complex data binding on a GridView control and time was short.

We were able to yield huge performance gains by overriding the PageStatePersister property of a key code-behind class. The change moves the state that would be serialized as great gobs of base64-encoded drek into Session so that it is stored in memory on the server. This isn’t a perfect solution because it increases the memory demand on the server. For this scenario, it was a good medium-term compromise that hugely improves performance over a slow WAN.

The PageStatePersister class and property on System.Web.UI.Page is “new” to ASP.Net 2.0+. It is an abstract class that is exposed as a PageStatePersister property in the code-behind. Microsoft ships two concrete implementations: HiddenFieldPageStatePersister and SessionPageStatePersister. The default is HiddenFieldPageStatePersister which emits base64 text to a hidden __VIEWSTATE input element in the rendered HTML. The SessionStatePersister puts the data in Session instead. It is there to help optimize the generated HTML for mobile browsers and low-bandwidth scenarios.

Here’s the code to do the switcheroo that puts the ViewState data into Session.

 * HACK: put the veiwstate into session instead of writing to page. Then the __ViewState will only contain the required
 * ControlState. This increases server memory consumption. A better long-term solution would be to rework the GridView
 * to work with ViewState disabled and put it inside of an UpdatePanel.
protected override PageStatePersister PageStatePersister
        return new SessionPageStatePersister( Page );